A bit about sleep
Rapid eye movement or REM sleep is responsible for the rest and rejuvenation we get from sleep. It is thought that this is the sleep phase where dreams occur and it is important for our mental and emotional health. Bursts of REM sleep are said to last for about 30mins and occur on average five to seven times a night.
The pattern of sleep in human beings varies during different ages. Sleeping mostly at night starts as early as the first few weeks of life and continues most of our life. In old age the pattern begins to break down as people sleep less at night and nap during the day.
Sleep deprivation has huge impact on our life leading to loss of wellbeing. It may start with irritability, stress, loss of concentration and fatigue and progress to more serious issues. Too little and too much sleep are both associated with an earlier death. Both the quality and the amount are important, with between five to nine hours correlating to the longest lifespan.
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