A bit about me…
I have been interested in various forms of Complementary Healing since I was in my early 20’s – longer than I care to admit! I didn’t like the feeling of powerlessness when going to the Drs about issues that they didn’t have a clear answer to. I feel there is an important place for Conventional Medicine but I believe there are other less invasive methods for certain conditions. I also feel that other more natural and nurturing therapies can be a good support to Conventional Medicine for most issues as well. I believe in an integrated approach based on an individuals needs.
Since I began my Reiki journey in 2007, I began to change my work path from teaching, working for charities and events organizer to being a Complementary Health Practitioner. I have been working as a Hypnotherapist and a Reiki Practitioner since 2008 and absolutely love it! I believe that Reiki changed my life path to one even more suited to me.
I am so grateful to have a wonderful, loving and supportive husband and daughter. They provide inspiration for me to continue learning and working towards being the best I can be. On the way, my goal is to support them on their own journeys along with any one else that feels inspired! The balancing, healing reiki energy and being able to tap into the power of the mind with hypnotherapy are wonderful ways to achieve your dreams.