A Good Nights Sleep



A bit about sleep

Rapid eye movement or REM sleep is responsible for the rest and rejuvenation we get from sleep. It is thought that this is the sleep phase where dreams occur and it is important for our mental and emotional health. Bursts of REM sleep are said to last for about 30mins and occur on average five to seven times a night.

The pattern of sleep in human beings varies during different ages. Sleeping mostly at night starts as early as the first few weeks of life and continues most of our life. In old age the pattern begins to break down as people sleep less at night and nap during the day.

Sleep deprivation has huge impact on our life leading to loss of wellbeing. It may start with irritability, stress, loss of concentration and fatigue and progress to more serious issues. Too little and too much sleep are both associated with an earlier death. Both the quality and the amount are important, with between five to nine hours correlating to the longest lifespan.

Unfortunately drugs used to help with sleep share a common draw-back which is drug tolerance. After a short time they are no longer effective and increasingly higher doses need to be taken. They also interfere with periods of REM sleep. This poor quality of drug-induced sleep is seen by complaints of morning hangovers, constipation and fatigue to name a few. There can also be side affects when the person stops taking the drug.

Having difficulty getting a ‘good nights’ sleep can be due to external stressors or internal stressors. There are many reasons for trouble with sleeping from stress, change, relationship issues and loss to physical issues. Often it is our thoughts that are keeping us awake.

When the mind is relaxed the body follows, this calms the nervous system and allows energy to flow more freely to revitalize it. People who are stressed or worried often have sleep related problems and a lack of sleep is also a stress factor in itself. The general consensus is that stress and sleep don’t mix well so it’s a good idea to learn to switch off and relax before bed.

The good thing about complementary therapies like Hypnotherapy and Reiki is they work to release the root cause of the problem. The only side affects may be an increased sense of wellbeingJ


As many of you know, the subconscious mind is where our habits, behaviours, beliefs and feelings are stored. It is the programing part of our mind and works closely with the actions and reaction of the body. A Hypnotherapist works with these deeper and more powerful parts of the mind to help you to change your habits, release negative emotions or old patterns that are no longer working for you.

Sometimes we hypnotise ourselves into what we don’t want. For example when we say to ourselves ‘oh no I’m just not going to be able to get to sleep’ that’s what we get. We can use hypnosis to work with the mind to let go of this worry and make the positive changes you want.

If you would like to book an appointment for Hypnotherapy please contact me or have a look here for further information. If you want to read about what others have said about sessions with me you can have a look at these testimonials.


Reiki or the ‘universal life force’ energy is another wonderful tool to help the mind and body to release, heal, relax and rebalance. In most cases it is a great way to prepare the body for sleep, like self-hypnosis or most meditations it helps the brain get into the slower alpha brain waves that are a precursor to sleep.

Please click here to get more information about Reiki, healing sessions or courses. You can also have a look at the Reiki Centre website which is a great resource for all things Reiki as well as a whole range of other interesting articles and courses.

Some practical tips

  • Stick to a routine of when you wake and go to bed as much as possible.

  • Your bedroom is for sleeping and making love:) Don’t use it as a workspace, place to watch TV or use your computer.

  • Avoid caffeine later in the day if you are sensitive to it.

  • Avoid food and alcohol a few hours before bed.

  • Exercise daily if possible even if it is just a brisk walk.

  • Use the last hour or so before bed for a relaxing wind down routine for your mind and body. This is not the best time to stimulate the brain with last minute work issues, to discuss family problems, watch highly stimulating TV or play computer games.

  • If your thoughts are troubling you before you go to bed or if you wake up at night, write them down and remind yourself this is time to sleep, the rest can be dealt with in the morning.

  • Notice the pitch, volume and pace of your internal chatter. Turn and tone it down. Use a sleepy voice internally at night and fast chatter in the morning.

If you are doing all of the above and still finding it a struggle there are many further options to choose from. Hypnotherapy and Reiki are just a couple that you can choose from. Ask around and do your research and find something that appeals to you and give it a good chance to work.

A bed time ritual

We all have time constraints in this busy life of ours but depending on your need and wants, you could try and add one or more of the following into a bedtime ritual that could be between 5 minutes to an hour depending on your priorities. Having a daily routine is crucial for our health and a night-time ritual will help to get a good nights sleep. When the body adjusts to a daily routine and gets used to it, the nervous system can relax.

For example…

  • Dim the lights, light candles, play relaxing music or use aromatherapy oils such as lavender to help you to unwind.

  • Do some gentle yoga stretches, Qi Gong or whatever works for you.

  • Do some basic breathing exercises, meditation or self-hypnosis (click here for my post on a simple self-hypnosis technique)

  • Write a journal to help let go of your internal chatter. You could also include at least 5 things you are grateful for to get your mind focused on what you want and in a positive state.

If sleep is an issue for you, I hope this article gives you some useful ideas. If you need any further information or support please contact me.